PSI Texas Master Electrician Calculations Portion Certification Package
the exam consists of 33 questions and you get 170 minutes to complete the test. the minimum required passing score is 70%.
The Master Electrician written examination has been reformatted to consist of two portions; NEC Knowledge and Calculations. The examination content remains the same, however, the calculation questions have been separated from the NEC knowledge questions to create two separate portions.
Candidates will take the NEC Knowledge Portion first and the Calculations Portion second. Both portions of the written examination are multiple choice. You will need to pass each portion with a minimum score of 70%. If you fail one portion you will only be required to retake that portion.
|title=Reference Materials|nfpa-70-national-electrical-code-nec-softbound-2017-edition|title=Application Assistance|title=Application Assistance|application-service|