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PSI Colorado Residential Plumber Certification Package


Your examination contains non-scored questions. The use of such questions is an essential step in developing accurate future examinations. These questions will NOT be scored and time to answer them has been added to the time allowed.

REFERENCE LIST All examination questions are consistent with the 2015 edition of the International Plumbing Code (IPC) and the 2015 edition of the International Residential Building Code of One and Two story Buildings (IRC). The IPC and IRC will be provided at the test center. You may not write, highlight, underline, and/or index in the references. You may not use any other materials. Candidates are encouraged to review the IPC and IRC, especially in regard to those job task areas in which they need preparation. Also, review of plumbing theory and common formulas is advised. Any of the several commonly used textbooks adopted by apprenticeship and community college training programs will be sufficient for this purpose. It is your responsibility to know and to be able to use basic plumbing theory formulas since such knowledge may be required to work problems in the job task area of the examination entitled Job Task X: Calculations. Formulas will not be provided to you at the test center and are not allowed in during the test.

SCORING THE EXAMINATION The RP, JP, and MP licensing examinations are scored using a “compensatory scored model”. The compensatory scored model evaluates all responses the candidate provides across all scored (non-pre-test) items, allowing the candidate to compensate for weaknesses in some Job Task Areas when strengths in other Job Task Areas are demonstrated. All scored items that are answered correctly receive 1 point each and all scored items that are answered incorrectly or are not answered receive 0 points each. The candidate’s final performance is then compared to the pass standard derived for each form of the licensing examination. Pre-test items are not scored and are not counted in the determination of the candidate’s final performance. The candidate earns a “Pass” if his or her final performance meets or exceeds the minimum pass standard deemed essential for safe practice upon entry as a newly-licensed practitioner. The candidate “Fails” if his or her final performance does not satisfy the minimal competence required for entry-level safe practice.

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