Arizona R-9/C-9 (CR-9) Concrete (Residential/Commercial) Contractor Exam Book Package
Arizona R-9/C-9 (CR-9) Concrete (Residential/Commercial) Contractor Exam Book Package
The following reference material is allowed in the examination center:
Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA),
International Building Code, 2018
International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2018
ACI 318-08 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary,
The following reference material is not allowed in the examination center:
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures,
Pipe and Excavation Contracting,
Formwork for Concrete
Placing Reinforcing Bars,
Installation and repair of concrete, concrete products, and accessories common to the industry. This scope includes all C9R subclassifications. Gunite and Shotcrete, Lightweight Concrete, Fence Footings, pre-Cast Concrete, Sawing, Coring, Epoxy Panels and Bonding, Terrazzo.
All work in connection with the processing, proportioning, batching, mixing, conveying, and placing of concrete composed of materials common to the concrete industry, including finishing, coloring, curing, repairing, testing, drilling, sawing, grinding, chipping, and grouting. Placing film barriers, sealing, and waterproofing are included. Construction, centering, and assembling forms, molds, slipforms, and pans. Trenching, excavating, backfilling, and grading in connection with concrete construction. Installation of embedded items essential to or comprising an integral part of the concrete or concrete construction, including reinforcing elements and accessories.
The trade test is considered equivalent for these classifications and upon passing the CBME and trade exam, either license classification may be applied for without further testing.